Frescomar (Cabo Verde) Thunnus albacares, Katsuwonus pelamis


Status: Planned Expected audit date: October 2nd, 2023. Type of Audit: Recertification Certification Body: RINA Fishing area: FAO 34 Fishing method: Purse seine, Pole and line Scope: FOS Wild v. 4, FOS CoC FOS-FF, FM, FO and O3 v.5 Species: Yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) and Skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis)

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MEDINA S.R.L. (Italy) Aristaeomorpha foliacea


  Status: planned Expected audit date: 22/09/2023 Type of Audit: Recertification Certification Body: RINA Fishing area: FAO 37 Fishing method: Trawler Scope: FOS Wild v 4, FOS CoC FOS-FF,FM,FO and O3 v.5 Species: Giant red shrimp (Aristaeomorpha foliacea)

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Leading omega-3 producer – U.G.A Nutraceuticals renews Friend of the Sea® Certification


World leading specialized Omega-3 food supplement producer, U.G.A Nutraceuticals has renewed its Friend of the Sea® certification of the World Sustainability Organization.   Headquartered in Monza, Italy U.G.A Nutraceuticals has specialized in the research, formulation and development of Omega-3 food supplements of superior quality, using the most advanced methods since the year 2005.   It stands as one of […]

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Leading omega-3 producer – U.G.A Nutraceuticals renews Friend of the Sea® Certification

Everything you need to know about Sharks on International Shark Day


To celebrate International Shark Day on July 14, the World Sustainability Foundation and Friend of the Sea® will take you into the world of the Shark You can visit the Save the Sharks Campaign page to look at the initiatives taken by the WSF and Friend of the Sea® over the years And happy International Shark Day to all! Sharks facts Sharks […]

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Everything you need to know about Sharks on International Shark Day

Solana Pag obtains Friend of the Sea Certification


Croatia’s largest sea-salt producer, Solana Pag has obtained the globally recognised Friend of the Sea Certification, for its varied salt product range.   The production of salt by Solana Pag is based on a thousand-year tradition on the island of Pag in Croatia. In the year 1980, a production facility was constructed; increasing capacity and reducing the impact […]

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Solana Pag obtains Friend of the Sea Certification

Enervit SPA (Italy) Engraulis ringens


Status: planned Expected audit date: 14/07/2023 Type of Audit: Surveillance Certification Body: DNV Scope:  FOS CoC FOS-FF,FM,FO and O3 v.5 Species: Engraulis ringens

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Solutex fish oil renews Friend of the Sea Certification for the 4th time.


Solutex, the world’s leading manufacturer and supplier of highly concentrated omega-3 EPA/DHA fatty acids, has renewed its Friend of the Sea® certification for the fourth time; initially obtaining it in 2017.   The leading global firm produces highly concentrated omega-3 EPA/DHA fatty acids for the Nutraceuticals, pharma, and cosmetic industries. Since its inception in 2004, Solutex has […]

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Solutex fish oil renews Friend of the Sea Certification for the 4th time.

Explore the world of green turtles on World Sea Turtle Day


World Sea Turtle Day is observed on June 16th annually, this year Friend of the Sea and the World Sustainability Foundation give you a window into the world of the fascinating Green Sea Turtle.   Come along, while we discover the largest sea turtle species belonging to the Chelonidae family, and the only living species in the genus Chelonia. […]

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