Notícias – Certificados Sustentáveis
FOS certified AS do MAR excels in social responsibility and use of renewable energy
22/12/2010As do Mar brand of tuna and mackerel has been one of the first in Italy to be certified Friend of the Sea since 2006.
Read moreDKSH Dutch partner Bakker Vis to supply FoS certified pangasius
20/12/2010DKSH partners with Bakker Vis in the Netherlands supplying Friend of the Sea certified pangasius filets.
Read moreFoS sushi at Matsuri restaurants in France and Switzerland
15/12/2010The French Matsuri has joined other sushi chains in UK and Switzerland by offering Friend of the Sea sustainable sushi.
Read morePolaris nutritional lipids are certified sustainable
22/11/2010Polaris is committed to strict sustainability policies throughout its entire production line. Friend of the Sea certified nutritional lipids from Polaris originate from the Peruvian anchovies sustainable fleet.
Read moreThai hand-caught clams from Panapesca, Thai Spring Fish Co. certified sustainable
19/11/2010Whole shell clam’s (Meretrix meretrix) from Thai Spring Fish Co Ltd have passed the Friend of the Sea audit.
Read moreLaut der neuen WWF-Labelbroschüre wurde FoS (FOS) zuverlässiger, während der MSC an Glaubwürdgkeit einbüsste. FOS ist in bei den Standards für Soziales, Energie- und Abfallmanagement und Aquakultur-Zertifizierung dem MSC überlegen.
09/11/2010Vergleicht man die letzten Routinebewertungen der Öko-Labels für Fischerei im Auftrag des WWF (Accenture, Dezember 2009 und Blueyou, Oktober 2010), ist die Zuverlässigkeit von MSC von unglaublichen 95% (2009) auf 73% (2010) gefallen.
Read moreWWF met au banc dessai les éco-labels FoS toujours plus fiable et leader en matière de normes sociales, énergétiques et écologiques (gestion des déchets).
09/11/2010Les dernières études réalisées par WWF sur les éco-labels des produits de la mer (Accenture, Décembre 2009 et Blueyou, Octobre 2010) montrent que Friend of the Sea s'améliore d'années en années.
Read moreFriend of the Sea embarks in Dalian
02/11/2010Visit the Friend of the Sea booth A201 in front of the main entrance at the 15th annual China Fisheries and Seafood Exhibition held in Dalian, China from the 2nd to the 4th of November 2010.
Read moreMarine Harvest and Covedis line-caught cod from Iceland complies with strict sustainability standards.
29/10/2010The jiggers and liners Ny-Fiskur cod fleet supplying Marine Harvest and the Swiss wholesaler and processor Covedis (provider of Manor and Sushi Zen) has recently passed a thorough Friend of the Sea audit.
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