Friend of the Sea Certifies First Scientific Research Group


Associazione Me.Ri.S. Mediterraneo Ricerca e Sviluppo earns certification for sustainable dolphin and whale watching. For the time ever, Friend of the Sea, the leading global certification standard for products and services that respect and protect the marine environment, has certified a scientific research group: Associazione Me.Ri.S. Mediterraneo Ricerca e Sviluppo (Me.Ri.S.). Me.Ri.S. is a non-profit […]

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FoS Certifies Organizacion de Productores de Pesca Fresca del Puerto de A Coruna


Spanish seafood organization earns new certification for sustainability from Friend of the Sea Friend of the Sea, the leading global authority and certification standard for products and services that respect and protect the marine environment, has certified Spain’s Organización de Productores de Pesca Fresca del Puerto de A Coruña. The Organization can now to display […]

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Certifies Organizacion

Friend of the Sea Certifica Pesca Pronta Import Export


Uno dei principali distributori italiani di prodotti ittici dimostra impegno nei confronti della responsabilità ambientale Friend of the Sea, lo standard di certificazione leader a livello mondiale per prodotti e servizi che rispettano e proteggono l’ambiente marino, ha annunciato di aver certificato Pesca Pronta Import Export SRL, uno dei principali distributori di pesce in Italia, […]

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Certifica Pesca Pronta

Ecco un pasto salutare e gustoso. L’ambiente ne va orgoglioso


Prodotti controllati? Piatti leggeri e al contempo sfiziosi? La rivoluzione delle bowl sconvolge e catapulta il cliente in un mondo nuovo: riso rosso, lenticchie di montagna, gamberi al ginger, semi di girasole, edamame, crema di avocado… Tutto questo oggi è possibile da Bul Milano, il ristorante in cui “più un cibo è buono, più ti […]

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Polaris (France): European Sardine, Chub Mackerel, Skipjack Tuna


Status: concludedExpected audit date: 10/09/2019 Type of audit: renewal Certification body: DNV-GLProduction type: Nutraceutical products Species: European Sardine (Sardina pilchardus), Chub Mackerel (Scomber japonicus), Skipjack Tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis), Anchoveta (Engraulis ringens), Albacore (Thunnus alalunga), Yellowfin Tuna (Thunnus albacares), Bigeye Tuna (Thunnus obesus), Atlantic Chub Mackerel (Scomber colias), Chilean Jack Mackerel (Trachurus murphyi), Atlantic Salmon (Salmo […]

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FoS Certifies Spring Bay Seafoods for Sustainable Seafood Production


Spring Bay Seafoods Pty Ltd, the Tasmanian company known for its Australian blue mussels, has earned certification for sustainable seafood production by Friend of the Sea. Friend of the Sea is the leading global certification standard for products and services that respect and protect the marine environment. With this certification, Spring Bay Seafoods products can […]

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Ensis Fisheries Earns FoS Certification for Sustainable Seafood Production


Largest tuna processor and exporter in the Maldives commits to protection of marine environment Ensis Fisheries, the largest tuna processor and exporter in the Maldives, has earned certification for sustainable seafood production by Friend of the Sea. FOS is the leading global certification standard for products and services that respect and protect the marine environment. […]

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FoS Certifies Pesca Pronta Import Export for Sustainable Seafood


Leading Italian distributor of seafood products demonstrates commitment to environmental responsibility Friend of the Sea , the world’s leading certification standard for products and services that respect and protect the marine environment, announced today that it has certified Pesca Pronta Import Export SRL, one of Italy’s top seafood distributors, for sustainable practices. With this certification, […]

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Certifica Pesca Pronta