Spanish Caviar Nacarii from farmed sturgeon certified FOS sustainable
19/09/2011While sturgeon is an endangered species in the wild, farming it has been widely accepted as a valid sustainable alternative to obtain high quality caviar.
Read moreWhile sturgeon is an endangered species in the wild, farming it has been widely accepted as a valid sustainable alternative to obtain high quality caviar.
Read moreNew Zealand Rock Lobster harvested by members of the CRA 5 Rock Lobster Industry Association Incorporated (CRAMAC5) has been certified by Friend of the Sea.
Read moreGalician mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) from Mariscos Linamar S.L. have been certified Friend of the Sea.
Read moreComercial Pernas S.L. is now trading Yellowfin and albacore tuna from approved Friend of the Sea vessels. Suppliers of Comercial Pernas are Grupo Pevaeche Eastern Atlantic tuna seiners fleet and pole and line fleet of South African ICV Africa. Pevaeche Group is made up of four companies; Pevasa (Pesquería Vasco-Montañesa S.A., Inpesca (Compañía Internacional de […]
Read moreFishoil production under assessment to check the sustainability of its products origin. The audit will be run by Bureau Veritas auditors on the 23rd of August
Read moreAquaculture plant farming Black Tiger and White Leg shrimp is under assessment to get Friend of the Sea certification
Read moreThis fishery is based on a deep water short line fishing method and it will be audited by SGS auditors next week
Read moreThe company under assessment complies with Friend of the Sea criteria but the influence of the fishery on the food web is not fully known so that certification is subject to annual revision according to the latest scientific data available
Read moreriend of the Sea announces the certification of Dover sole (Solea solea), Plaice (Pleuronectes platessa), Turbot (Psetta maxima), Brill (Scopthalmus rhombus) and Dab (Limanda limanda) from Noordzee Vissers Consortium III.
Read moreThis event will take place in the PARK PLAZA AMSTERDAM AIRPORT Melbournestraat 1, 1175 RM Lijnden, The Netherlands
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