Faun Pharma AS (Norway): Peruvian anchovy, European anchovy, Peruvian sardine, European sardine, Chup mackerel, Mackerel


Status: plannedExpected audit date: 25/01/2021Type of Audit: re-certificationCertification Body: DNV GLScope: Friend of the Sea FOS CoC, FO rev. 5, Production and distribution of fish oil  Species: Peruvian Anchovy/Engraulis ringens European Anchovy/Engraulis encrasicolus Peruvian Sardine/Sarinops sagax sagax European Sardine/Sardina pilchardus Chup mackerel/Scomber japonicus Mackerel/Scomber scombrus

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Tecnocosmesi Spa (Italy): Peruvian anchovy


Status: planned Expected audit date: 27/12/2020 Type of Audit: initialCertification Body: London Associati Ltd. Scope: FOS CoC-FOS-FF, FM, FO and O3 rev. 5 Species: Peruvian anchovy (Engraulis ringens) 

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Sialco SA (Morocco): Atlantic chub mackerel


Status: planned Expected audit date: 20/12/2020 Type of Audit: additional audit for implementing a new speciesCertification Body: London Associati Ltd. Fishing area:  FAO area 34 Atlantic Eastern Central Fishing method:  Purse seine Scope: FOS Wild rev.3.1  Species: Atlantic chub mackerel (Scomber colias) 

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Igino Mazzola Spa (Italy): yellowfin tuna


Status: planned Expected audit date: 18/12/2020 Type of Audit: initialCertification Body: London Associati Ltd. Scope: FOS CoC–FO FF rev.5. Species: yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) 

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Calabraittica snc (Italy): European anchovy


Status: planned Expected audit date: 15/12/2020 Type of Audit: initialCertification Body: London Associati Ltd. Scope: Friend of the Sea FOS CoC – FO FF rev. 5 Species: European anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus)

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Cofisa S.A. (Portugal): skipjack, yellowfin and bigeye tuna


Status: planned Expected audit date: 20/12/2020 Type of Audit: recertification  Certification Body: London Associati Ltd. Fishing areas:  FAO Area 34 (Atlantic, Eastern Central); FAO Area 57 (Indian Ocean, Eastern);FAO Area 71 (Pacific, Western Central);FAO Area 77 (Pacific, Eastern Central);FAO Area 81 (Pacific, Southwest);FAO Area 87 (Pacific, Southeast);FAO Area 88 (Pacific, Antarctic);FAO Area 51 ( Indian […]

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