FoS campaign leads also Deliveroo to take off shark fin soup from the menu


Friend of the Sea online campaign to convince the Food Delivery companies to remove shark fin soup from the menu earned another important victory. A few days afterJust Eat engagement to remove sharkfin soup, now also Deliveroo has taken action and remove 600 shark fin dishes from its platform globally, from 180 different restaurants, and committed to having no such dishes on the platform in future

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take off shark fin soup

IQI BV (Netherland)- European Anchovy, Peruvian anchovy, European Sardine, Atlantic Salmon, Chub Mackerel, Atlantic Chub Mackerel, Jack Mackerel


Status: Planned Expected audit date: 29/04/2019 Info audit: Renewal audit Certification Body: RINA Production chain: Fish oil processor and exporter Species: European Anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus), Peruvian anchovy (Engraulis ringens), European Sardine (Sardina pilchardus), Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar), Chub Mackerel (Scomber japonicus), Atlantic Chub Mackerel (Scomber colias), Jack Mackerel (Trachurus murphyi)

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Fem2-Ambiente: nel Dna il codice del successo


FEM2-AMBIENTE. Nel DNA il codice del successo 26 febbraio 2019 Ore 18/20 FUORIMANO OTBP via Roberto Cozzi 3, Milano L’analisi del DNA oggi è diventato uno strumento indispensabile per rispondere alle diverse esigenze aziendali, dalla diagnostica molecolare al controllo qualità e valorizzazione dei prodotti e delle filiere. FEM2-Ambiente, una delle più longeve spin-off dell’Università degli […]

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The role of restaurants in promoting sustainable food- 21st of February 2019


Dear Madam/Sir, Friend of the Sea invites you to the upcoming webinar to learn about The role of restaurants in promoting sustainable food.  You can find the files to download the power point presentations at the following link: This webinar can be of interest to restaurant owners, hotel chains, aquaculture companies, ship owners […]

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fos restaurants webinar