Jarla Trading (Philippines): yellowfin tuna


Status: planned Expected audit date: 15/12/2020 Type of audit: recertification  Certification body: London Associati Ltd. Fishing area:  FAO area 71 Pacific Western central  Fishing method:  Hand Line  Scope: FOS CoC – FO FF v.5, FOS Wild v3.1  Species: yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares)

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Nuevo Fresco Marine Trading Co. (Philippines): yellowfin tuna


Status: planned Expected audit date: 15/12/2020 Type of audit: recertification  Certification body: London Associati Ltd. Fishing area:  FAO area 71 Pacific Western central  Fishing method:  Pole and Line Scope: FOS CoC – FO FF v.5, FOS Wild v3.1  Species: yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares)

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Friend of the Sea Certifies Wester Ross for Sustainable Fish Farming While Hailing Its Environmental Innovations


Oldest independently owned salmon farm in Scotland adheres to high standards for preservation of the marine environment Friend of the Sea, the preeminent certification standard for products and services that respect and protect the marine environment, announced that it has recertified Wester Ross Fisheries, the oldest independently owned salmon farm in Scotland for sustainable seafood […]

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wester ross

Webinar “Circular economy and the role of fishmeal and fish oil producers.” 23rd of September 2020


WEBINAR: Circular economy and the role of fishmeal and fish oil producers.Cibel case study Presented by Paolo Bray, Director of Friend of the Seawww.friendofthesea.org FeaturingHind Mkadem, QSE Manager at CIBEL SA.www.cibelmaroc.com Download presentation here: https://mega.nz/file/50tElAyB#JByOB2SIfgewsXtapLo3oH3ANTHA1QbyyRagWal0Cr4  Dear Madam/Sir, Friend of the Sea would like to invite you to the upcoming free of charge webinar on “Circular […]

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Thumbnail FOS

GreenPeach Earns Certification for Omega 3 Oil Sourcing from Friend of the Sea


Producer of nutritional products commits to practices that protect the marine environment Friend of the Sea, the preeminent certification standard for products and services that respect and protect the marine environment, announced that it has certified GreenPeach, a maker of nutritional products, for sourcing Omega 3 oil from certified sustainable methods. The California-based company can […]

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Earns Certification

WEBINAR: 3rd Tuna Webinar Series: Certification and Technology


With the changing ecosystem, fisheries management and marine conservation is important to promote sustainability in the fisheries industry. The 3rd Tuna Webinar Series will focus on certification and technology in the tuna industry with the topics highlighting updates and importance of seafood certification and the latest technology through satellite communications and block-chain technology. www.infofish.org 0:00 […]

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Webinar Series

Friend of the Sea Honors World Manta Day with Standards for Sustainable Manta Ray Watching and Species Protection


Certification standards and practices enable the September 17 awareness event to drive environmentally sustainable manta ray watching excursions and “swim with manta ray” programs September 17, 2020 will be World Manta Day, a worldwide celebration of Manta Rays. Friend of the Sea, the preeminent global certification standard for products and services that respect and protect […]

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Manta Ray Watching

Catalent (Italy): Peruvian anchovy


Status: planned Expected audit date: 19/09/2020 Type of Audit: initial Certification Body: DNV GL Scope: Fish oil producers (FOS CoC – FO Rev 5) Species: Peruvian anchovy (Engraulis ringens)  

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Calanus AS (Norway): Calanus finmarchicus


Status: planned Expected audit date: 15/10/2020 Type of Audit: initial Certification Body: London Associati Ltd. Fishing area: FAO fishing Area 27 Fishing method: trawl Scope: Fishery (FOS CoC – FO FF v.201, FOS Wild v3.1) Species: Calanus finmarchicus  

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