Troticoltura Cherubini ottiene la certificazione Friend of the Sea per l’acquacoltura sostenibile


Friend of the Sea è lieta di annunciare che Troticoltura Cherubini, storica azienda marchigiana situata a Visso (MC) nel Parco Nazionale dei Monti Sibillini, ha ottenuto la prestigiosa certificazione Friend of the Sea. Questo riconoscimento testimonia l’impegno costante dell’azienda verso la sostenibilità, la sicurezza alimentare e la qualità.   Fondata nel 1950, Troticoltura Cherubini è un punto […]

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Friend of the Sea Launches Groundbreaking Interactive Avatar Certification Audits for Sustainable Seafood


Friend of the Sea, a leading global certification standard for products and services that respect and protect the marine environment, today announced the launch of the world’s first interactive avatar certification audit system for sustainable fisheries and aquaculture. This cutting-edge technology revolutionizes the auditing process, offering unprecedented benefits for the seafood industry. Friend of the Sea’s interactive […]

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Lindaren AG Accelerates Its Sustainability Commitment with Friend of the Earth Initiatives


The World Sustainability Organization Applauds the Swiss Company’s Growing Environmental Leadership The World Sustainability Organization (WSO) is thrilled to announce that Lindaren AG, a Swiss leader in natural supplements, has achieved the prestigious Friend of the Earth Smart Working certification and has joined the WSO Plastic Offset initiative. These new milestones build on the company’s existing Friend of the Sea certification, awarded […]

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Protecting the Giants of the Sea: The Global Challenge of Whale Ship Strikes.


Ship-whale collisions are one of the main threats to the survival of these majestic marine mammals, and the urgency to address the issue is more evident than ever. Recent studies, including research published in Science, and the work of the World Sustainability Foundation and the Friend of the Sea programme, offer an in-depth view of the global risk and […]

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Caviar de Neuvic: A Pioneer in Sustainable Caviar Production, Recognised by Friend of the Sea


Caviar de Neuvic, a pioneer in sustainable caviar production on a global scale, strengthens its commitment to environmental and social responsibility, confirmed by the Friend of the Sea certification obtained in 2023. This recognition is not just a mark of quality but a testament to the company’s ongoing dedication to responsible aquaculture practices. A Model of Certified Sustainability […]

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Save the Seagrasses: A Global Campaign to Protect Marine Meadows


The World Sustainability Foundation launches a significant initiative to safeguard one of the planet’s most precious ecosystems. Seagrass meadows, the actual lungs of the sea, are disappearing at an alarming rate. Since the 19th century, we have lost 30% of the total area of these vital habitats, with 14% of species at risk of extinction. To counter this trend, […]

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International Accreditation Forum and World Sustainability Organization Sign Scheme Endorsement Agreement.


International Accreditation Forum (IAF) and the World Sustainability Organization (WSO) have signed a scheme endorsement agreement to finalize the endorsement of Friend of the Sea as an IAF Multilateral Recognition Arrangement (MLA) sub-scope.   Friend of the Sea is a certification scheme that promotes sustainable practices in the marine industry, focusing on responsible fishing and aquaculture. As global awareness of environmental […]

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Wild Nutrition Achieves Friend of the Sea Certification for Sustainable Marine Collagen


Friend of the Sea® is proud to announce the certification of Wild Nutrition for its innovative supplement, Collagen 500 Plus, which sets a new sustainability benchmark in the nutritional supplement industry.   Wild Nutrition, a UK-based, B Corp certified company, has attained the prestigious Friend of the Sea certification for its responsible sourcing of marine collagen. This is […]

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World Sustainability Foundation Joins the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2021-2030


The World Sustainability Foundation (WSF) is proud to announce its recognition as an official Actor of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2021-2030, a prestigious initiative led by the United Nations to tackle climate change, protect biodiversity, and ensure the long-term sustainability of our planet. WSF’s membership in #GenerationRestoration, a global movement involving over 150 partners, strengthens its […]

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Sustainable Aquariums: When Scientific Research Meets Environmental Protection


The anniversary of AquaRio in Rio de Janeiro—celebrating eight years of operation—offers the perfect opportunity to reflect on the role of aquariums in protecting marine biodiversity and the importance of sustainability certifications. In an era of climate crisis, aquariums are evolving from simple tourist attractions into significant hubs for research, conservation, and environmental awareness. A shining […]

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