Noticias – Certificación de Pesquerías y Flotas Sostenibles
Omega Fish line by Italian EOS Secondo Natura meets FoS standard
14/05/2018Italian cosmetic and natural remedies company EOS Secondo Natura achieves Friend of the Sea certification for Omega Fish product line.
Read moreIndustrias Pesqueras
08/05/2018Puerto de Celeiro pondrá en el mercado 10.000 toneladas anuales de merluza certificada.
Read moreLa Voz de Galicia
07/05/2018Cada merluza del pincho de Celeiro lleva ya su fecha de descarga en puerto.
Read moreTelevisión de Galicia
07/05/2018A pescada do pincho de Celeiro conta xa coa ecocertificación de calidade 'Friend of the Sea'.
Read moreSpanish Puerto de Celeiro hake fleet completes FoS certification of its 22-longline vessels
07/05/2018Spanish consumers can now enjoy more hake certified Friend of the Sea sustainable in Spain. They produce approximately 30 percent of hake consumed in Spain.
Read moreEurogroup for Animals
27/04/2018Seafood Expo Global. Are business and certification bodies addressing fish welfare?
Read moreSafe-Sea, the first sunscreen truly Friend of the Sea
26/04/2018Recent studies have shown Oxybenzone, an ingredient in sunscreen lotions and personal-care products that protects against the damaging effects of ultraviolet light, contributes to coral bleaching and reefs deformation.
Read moreLeal Santos (Brazil)-Albacore tuna, Skipjack tuna, Yellowfin tuna
24/04/2018Status: Planned Expected audit date: 24/04/2018 Fishing Area: FAO 41 Gear type: Pole and line Species: Albacore tuna (Thunnus alalunga), Skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis), Yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares)
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