10/09/2019Il Gambero rosso di Mazara (quello vero): un tesoro dalla lunga storia.. Read the article here
Read moreIl Gambero rosso di Mazara (quello vero): un tesoro dalla lunga storia.. Read the article here
Read moreExclusive distributor of Epax fish oils in France, Spain and Portugal embraces protection of marine environment Seanova, the exclusive distributor of Epax® fish oils in France, Spain and Portugal, has earned certification for sustainable production by Friend of the Sea . Friend of the Sea is the preeminent certification standard for products and services that […]
Read moreIl produttore di molluschi dell’Adriatico si impegna a proteggere l’ambiente marino L’Acquachiara S.r.l., uno dei principali produttori italiani di molluschi e altri prodotti ittici, ha ottenuto la certificazione per la produzione di frutti di mare sostenibili da Friend of the Sea. Friend of the Sea è lo standard di certificazione globale per prodotti e servizi […]
Read moreAcquachiara ottiene la certificazione Friend of the Sea.. Read the article here
Read moreGerman contract manufacturer of supplements commits to marine environmental responsibility. Friend of the Sea, the preeminent certification standard for products and services that respect and protect the marine environment, announced today that it has recertified Goerlich Pharma for sustainable practices. Goerlich is a contract manufacturer of supplements and other products that contain seafood-based ingredients. With […]
Read moreRaffinatezza ed eleganza sono le parole chiave per descrivere la location e la cucina di uno dei più lussuosi ristoranti di Milano: situato nella seconda corte dell’hotel Mandarin Oriental, Seta dispone di ampi spazi interni ed esterni e presenta piatti della tradizione italiana ricercati e rivisitati da un team esperto, che lavora con dedizione e […]
Read moreÇamli, which was established in 1985 is the leader in Turkey…..on SeafoodSource, Read the article here
Read moreAdriatic shellfish producer commits to protection of marine environment L’Acquachiara S.r.l., a top Italian producer of shellfish and other fish products, has earned certification for sustainable seafood production by Friend of the Sea. Friend of the Sea is the preeminent global certification standard for products and services that respect and protect the marine environment. With […]
Read moreCanadian maker of wellness products based on fish oils commits to protection of marine wildlife Neptune Wellness Solutions, a leading North American turnkey provider marine oils and other wellness products, has earned certification for sustainable practices by Friend of the Sea (FOS). FOS is the preeminent certification standard for products and services that respect and […]
Read moreAsdomar presenta il bilancio di sostenibilità 2018….Read the article here
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