Zuvela d.o.o. (Croatia): European anchovy, European sardine, Pacific chub mackerel


Status: plannedExpected audit date: 30/04/2022Type of Audit: initialCertification Body: London Associati Ltd.Fishing area: FAO Area 37Fishing method: Purse seineScope: Wild fish v.3.1. – FOS CoC – FO FF, FM, FO and O3 v.5Species: European anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus), European sardine (Sardinia pilchardus), Pacific mackerel (Scomber japonicus)

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Natluk S.A. (Ecuador): Titi Wild Shrimp


Status: plannedExpected audit date: 30/04/2022Type of Audit: initialCertification Body: London Associati Ltd.Fishing area: FAO Area 87Fishing method: Trawl netsScope: Wild fish v.4, FOS CoC – FO FF, FM, FO and O3 v.5Species: Camaron Pomada – Titi Wild Shrimp (Protrachipene Preciua)

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Atlantic Sapphire USA (USA): Atlantic salmon


Status: plannedExpected audit date: 30/04/2022Type of Audit: initialCertification Body: London Associati Ltd.Scope: FOS Aqua Inland v. 3, FOS CoC – FO FF, FM, FO and O3 v.5Species: Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)

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LLC Magadantralflot (Russia): Pacific sardine and Pacific herring


Status: plannedExpected audit date: 30/04/2022Type of Audit: initialCertification Body: London Associati Ltd.Fishing area: FAO Area 61Fishing method: midwater Trawl Scope: Wild fish v.4 – FOS CoC – FO FF, FM, FO and O3 v.5Species: Pacific sardine (Sardinops melanostictus), Pacific herring (Clupea palassii)

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Paolo Bray habla sobre la Comisión Portuaria Nacional de Guatemala


Paolo Bray habla sobre la Comisión Portuaria Nacional de Guatemala (spanish video) En 1970 y 1972 las autoridades de la Empresa Portuaria Santo Tomás de Castilla contaban con apoyo gubernamental, aspecto que favorecía a la gestión de proyectos, principalmente lo relativo a la creación de la Autoridad Marítimo Portuaria Nacional; por ello, el 10 de […]

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Webinar on “Frog conservation status and Friend of the Earth programs. Case Study: the endangered Titicaca water frog.”-  29th of March 2022 at 3PM (Central Europe Time)


Dear Madam/Sir, Friend of the Earth would like to invite you to the upcoming free of charge webinar on “Frog conservation status and Friend of the Earth programs. Case Study: the endangered Titicaca water frog”. This webinar can be of interest to: – government officials – companies’ sustainability and environmental managers – media professionals, journalists – […]

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Webinar on “Frog conservation status and Friend of the Earth programs. Case Study:

Polaris SA (France): micro-algae


Status: plannedExpected audit date: 28/04/2022Type of Audit: initialCertification Body: London Associati Ltd.Scope: CoC – FO FF, FM, FO and O3 v.5, Seaweeds and Algae rev.3Species: Micro-algae (Schizochytrium sp.)

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Gladys Aguilera (Chile): swordfish


Status: plannedExpected audit date: 30/04/2022Type of audit: initialCertification body: London Associati Ltd.Fishing area: FAO Area 87Fishing method: pole and line – palangreScope: Wild fish v.4 – FOS CoC rev.5Species: sword fish (Xiphias gladius)

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