Friend of the Sea Launches Conservation Project to Protect Penguins


Many penguin species facing extinction in the face of overfishing and degradation of habitat  Conservation Project to Protect Penguins Friend of the Sea, the world’s leading certification standard for products and services that respect and protect the marine environment, has launched a bold conservation project aimed at protecting the world’s penguins from the effects of […]

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Conservation Project to Protect Penguins

Friend of the Sea and Friend of the Earth Launch Petition to Ban China’s Wildlife Food Markets


In response to the Coronavirus outbreak, leading sustainability NGO asks Chinese government for permanent stop to sale of wildlife in markets, restaurants and e-commerce Ban China’s Wildlife Food Markets Friend of the Earth and Friend of the Sea, the preeminent worldwide food certifications have launched a petition asking the Chinese government to permanently close markets that sell wildlife for […]

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Ban China’s Wildlife Food Markets

FoS and Friend of the Earth Expand Sponsorship of Conservation Projects


The sustainability standards fund and oversee programs to help save primates, whales, butterflies and more and seek sustainable companies’ proactive support.  Friend of the Sea and Friend of the Earth, divisions of the World Sustainability Organization, have expanded their support for a wide range of conservation projects and campaigns around the world. Friend of the […]

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