The U.S. based Manischewitz Company, leader in kosher foods, obtains Friend of the Sea certification
The Manischewitz Company – the largest manufacturer of processed kosher food in the U.S. – has recently obtained the Friend of the Sea certification for European anchovies, chub mackerel and European sardines. The company complies with all Friend of the Sea requirements and can display the official seal of approval on its products.
The Manischewitz Company receives raw materials from Friend of the Sea certified suppliers, based in Morocco. Certified fleets operate in the Eastern Central part of the Atlantic Ocean, where the fish stocks are not overfished or overexploited. Bycatch is also minimal and does not include any IUCN red listed species.
In addition, the presence of a specific traceability system assures that certified products respect the certification requirements, excluding the possibility of a mix with non-certified products.
“The Friend of the Sea certification is an important recognition of our commitment towards sustainability,” explains Rabbi Aron Yonah Hayum, Plant Manager at the Manischewitz Company. “Our customers and suppliers will certainly appreciate the added value this international ecolabel has brought to our products.”
The Manischewitz Company
The Manischewitz Company is a specialty food company that includes the Manischewitz brand®, Season®, Rokeach®, and Mishpacha® brands. The company offers a diversified line of premium kosher food products that covers over 60 different categories. The Manischewitz® brand was founded in a small bakery built to make Passover matzo in 1888 by Rabbi Dov Behr Manischewitz in Cincinnati, Ohio. In 1932, Rabbi Manischewitz opened a plant in Jersey City, NJ, replacing the operation in Cincinnati. This move paved the way for the introduction of new products like Tam Tam® Crackers, Chicken Soup, Noodles and Gefilte Fish and much more.
Friend of the Sea
Friend of the Sea is an international certification program for products from sustainable fisheries and aquaculture. Over 500 companies in more than 50 countries have relied on Friend of the Sea to assess the sustainable origin of their seafood. Audits, based on the best and the most updated available scientific data, are run by accredited independent certification bodies. Recently the program has expanded to the certification of sustainable shipping, ornamental fish and whale watching operators.