Black tiger and white leg shrimps by Swiss Fredag confirmed FoS

Black tiger and white leg shrimps by Swiss Fredag confirmed Friend of the Sea


Fredag – Swiss company specialized in distribution of seafood – has recently concluded the Friend of the Sea audit renewal for black tiger and white leg shrimps. The company complies with all Friend of the Sea requirements and can continue to display the official seal of approval on its products.

Both species are farmed by Friend of the Sea certified supplier Minh Phu Seafood, an aquaculture company based in Vietnam. The company relies on farms compliant with Friend of the Sea strict sustainable aquaculture requirements and uses GMO-free and hormones-free fish feed.

In addition, Minh Phu Seafood provides a detailed identification of the origin of its products.

“We have relied on Friend of the Sea to prove the sustainable origin of our products for years,” explains Fabio Piccione, Head of Trading at Fredag. “The certification renewal makes us proud of our commitment to the health of the marine environment.”



Fredag is a Swiss company, located in Root and operating since 1986. The company is specialized in distribution of a large variety of high quality products, including seafood.

Friend of the Sea

Friend of the Sea is an international certification program for products from sustainable fisheries and aquaculture. Over 500 companies in more than 50 countries have relied on Friend of the Sea to assess the sustainable origin of their seafood. Audits, based on the best and the most updated available scientific data, are run by accredited independent certification bodies. Recently the program has expanded to the certification of sustainable shipping, ornamental fish and whale watching operators.

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