World Sustainability Foundation Collaborates with Penguin Travel to Offer Unique Birdwatching Trips in Bulgaria

The World Sustainability Foundation (WSF) is excited to announce a collaboration with Penguin Travel, offering two exceptional birdwatching trips to Bulgaria. These trips are designed to provide participants with an unforgettable experience of observing the remarkable bird migration along the Via Pontica route while contributing to a vital cause—reforesting Central Africa.

Penguin Travel, renowned for its specialized wildlife tours, has crafted these tours to highlight Bulgaria’s rich avian biodiversity. Bulgaria, situated on two of Europe’s largest migratory routes—Via Pontica and Via Aristotelis—serves as a critical stopover for many migratory birds. The Black Sea coastal wetlands, with their lakes and lagoons, offer optimal conditions for observing thousands of soaring migrants. Participants can witness massive flocks of white storks, rosy pelicans, goshawks, and other birds of prey such as the meadow wagtail, black kestrel, eagle snake, and short-toed hawks.

Tourism with a Cause

For the upcoming autumn season, Penguin Travel has organized these trips in collaboration with WSF, combining birdwatching with sustainable tourism practices. While no naturalists from WSF will accompany the guests, the foundation will receive a donation from Penguin Travel for each participant, which will go towards planting 100 trees in Central Africa. This reforestation project spans across Mali, Senegal, Tanzania, Uganda, and Kenya, creating habitats for iconic birds like the Lilac-breasted Roller (Coracias caudatus), the African Grey Parrot (Psittacus erithacus), and the Sokoke scops owl (Otus ireneae).

Key Highlights

  • Unique Birdwatching Experience: Observe the spectacular bird migration along the Via Pontica route with the guidance of an experienced ornithologist.
  • Contribution to Reforestation: Each participant’s involvement supports the planting of 100 trees in Central Africa, aiding in the creation of vital bird habitats.
  • Support for Sustainability: Engage in sustainable tourism practices that promote the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystems.

About the World Sustainability Foundation

The World Sustainability Foundation (WSF) is a non-profit organization dedicated to protecting global biodiversity. With over 40 conservation projects for species and ecosystems threatened by human activities, WSF emphasizes the involvement and remuneration of local communities in its initiatives.

About Penguin Travel

Established in 1989 in Copenhagen, Denmark, Penguin Travel aims to showcase unique destinations to travelers. Now offering trips to over 80 destinations worldwide, the agency is known for its cultural tours, active vacations, and wildlife tours. Penguin Travel adheres to the principles of sustainable tourism, serving tourists from over 30 different countries and maintaining a strong presence in the Danish, Bulgarian, and international markets.

For more information about the birdwatching trips or to book your tour, please visit:

Via Pontica Autumn Migration Birding Bulgaria – Collaboration with WSF

Via Pontica Autumn Migration Birding Bulgaria

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