Hapag-Lloyd AG to receive Friend of the Sea’s Whale-Safe award


The first company to receive recognition owning to their outstanding practise, commitments, and concern towards the protection of endangered whale populations from lethal ship strikes Friend of the Sea, a conservation project by the World Sustainability Organization is pleased to award Hapag-Lloyd, one of the world’s leading shipping companies, the highest level of Whale-Safe recognition […]

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LYSI Earns Recertification for Sustainable Fish Oil Production With New Push on Environmental Goals.


The company from Iceland has a long history as a leading international producer and exporter of fish oil. Friend of the Sea, the global certification standard for products and services that respect and protect the marine environment, is pleased to renew LYSI certification for sustainable practices in producing fish oil for Omega-3 supplements. The company, certified since […]

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LYSI Earns Recertification for Sustainable Fish Oil Production With New Push on Environmental Goals.

Equazen® has been confirmed as Friend of The Sea approved line of products


Friend of the Sea is glad to announce that Equazen® has been confirmed as a Friend of The Sea approved line of products for the third year in a row. Friend of the Sea is the only sustainable fisheries certification process recognised and supervised globally by a National Accreditation Body   Equazen® – the key brand […]

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Equazen® has been confirmed as Friend of The Sea approved line of products

Wishes from WSO team to 2022


The WSO team got together to send a special message for next year! We at the WSO also want you to have a special 2022, full of health in a more sustainable world, made by people for people. Be a Friend of the Sea.Be a Friend of the Earth. WORLD SUSTAINABILITY ORGANIZATION_________________________________________FOLLOW US: SITE: https://friendofthesea.org/FACEBOOK: […]

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Wishes from WSO team to 2022

Whale-Safe certification to facilitate whale-ship collisions issue


While 7 out of 13 great whale species are on the trajectory to extinction given pervasive overfishing and being caught as ‘by-catch’, colliding with ships has been identified as the main threat to whales in the Atlantic and Mediterranean Oceans. Though ship collisions have been identified by the International Whaling Commission (IWC) as a significant […]

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Whale-Safe certification to facilitate whale-ship collisions issue

INTERVIEW: Mareaperto. Attivamente responsabili verso l’ambiente – italian video


  Il signor Paolo Bray intervista la signora Costanza Levera, Marketing e Communication at Mareaperto. Guarda le pagine di Mareaperto https://www.mareaperto.it/   _________________________________________FOLLOW US: SITE: https://friendofthesea.org/FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/friendofthes…TWITTER: https://twitter.com/friendoftheseaLINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/company/frie…INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/friendofthe… CONTACT US: info@friendofthesea.org

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Mareaperto. Attivamente

MyLab Nutrition Group ottiene la certificazione Friend of the Sea


MyLab Nutrition Group, azienda proprietaria di 4 marchi di integratori: Nutracle, T-Rex Integratori, Suprapet e MyLab, ha recentemente ottenuto la certificazione Friend of the Sea per i suoi prodotti nutraceutici. L’azienda crea e distribuisce, con suoi brand, integratori Made in Italy di elevatissima qualità utilizzando un approccio innovativo ad alto fattore tecnologico, infatti l’azienda fornisce una […]

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AQUARIUM RUBRUM, the first Italian aquarium to be certified Friend of the Sea for its commitment to the conservation of the marine environment.


Aquarium Rubrum is the first Italian alive red coral aquarium to obtain the International Friend of the Sea Sustainable Aquarium Certification. It is located inside the San Giacomo tower in Alghero, Sardinia (Italy) and the project comes from an idea of the artisan Davide Simula, in collaboration with the Marine Protected Area of Capo Caccia – Isola Piana […]

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If you want to adapt your tuna business after the pandemic disruption, to create growth and new worldwide market or business opportunities, the WORLD TUNA CONFERENCE “VIGO 2021” is the place to be and the first physical tuna event. The registration is NOW open and there will be strictly limited seats! Keep in mind, the […]

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