Solutex fish oil renews Friend of the Sea Certification for the 4th time.


Solutex, the world’s leading manufacturer and supplier of highly concentrated omega-3 EPA/DHA fatty acids, has renewed its Friend of the Sea® certification for the fourth time; initially obtaining it in 2017.   The leading global firm produces highly concentrated omega-3 EPA/DHA fatty acids for the Nutraceuticals, pharma, and cosmetic industries. Since its inception in 2004, Solutex has […]

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Solutex fish oil renews Friend of the Sea Certification for the 4th time.

Explore the world of green turtles on World Sea Turtle Day


World Sea Turtle Day is observed on June 16th annually, this year Friend of the Sea and the World Sustainability Foundation give you a window into the world of the fascinating Green Sea Turtle.   Come along, while we discover the largest sea turtle species belonging to the Chelonidae family, and the only living species in the genus Chelonia. […]

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tartarugaFriend of the Sea

World Sustainability Organization launches Sustainable Friends Concept Store


Leading Global Sustainability Organization, the World Sustainability Organization has launched Sustainable Friends; the first of its kind concept store in Milan, Italy offering Friend of the Sea and Friend of the Earth certified products and services. It will be officially inaugurated on 8th June 2023, which marks World Oceans Day.   The Sustainable Friends Concept Store is ultimately […]

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World Sustainability Organization launches Sustainable Friends Concept Store

The World Sustainability Organization presents Friend of the Sea and Friend of the Earth sustainability certifications at the Albanian Agriculture Days Expo


Agri-food is one of the main sectors of the Balkan countries, particularly Albania. Over 40% of the country’s surface is dedicated to agriculture, which generates roughly 23% of the GDP, providing 43% of jobs. The European “Green Deal” is thus extremely relevant to Albania, aiming at new growth with a focus on environmental and social […]

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Webinar on Sustainable furniture and related environmental certifications”


19th April of 2023 at 3PM (Central European Summer Time). Dear Madam/Sir, Friend of the Earth would like to invite you to the upcoming free of charge webinar on “Sustainable furniture and related environmental certifications”. The webinar can be of interest to: – Agriculture and farming companies – food producers and traders – Retail and wholesale chains – Government officials, […]

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Webinar on Sustainable furniture and related environmental certifications

Turkish Gümüşdoğa is ready to show the Friend of the Sea logo on its Seabass and Seabream packaging


At Gümüşdoğa, sustainability is an approach towards the planet, animals, and workers. Therefore, Gümüşdoğa Aquaculture carries out its activities with an environmentally friendly perspective by reducing the environmental impacts of its fish farming and production activities at every step. Friend of the Sea®, a project of the World Sustainability Organization, has recognized and verified Gümüşdoğa’s commitment […]

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Turkish Gümüşdoğa is ready to show the Friend of the Sea logo on its Seabass and Seabream packaging

Webinar on “Sustainable cotton production and certification.”   22nd of February 2023 at 3PM (Central Europe Time).


Dear Madam/Sir,   Friend of the Earth would like to invite you to the upcoming free of charge webinar on “Sustainable cotton production and certification.”  22nd of February 2023 at 3PM (Central Europe Time).   This webinar can be of interest to:   – Agriculture and farming companies.   – Retail and wholesale chains.   – Companies’ sustainability and environmental managers. […]

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Webinar on “Sustainable cotton production and certification.”   22nd of February
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