News (476 - 501 of 1495)
- 476)Coldwater Prawns Production (Norway): Coldwater prawn
- 477)Friend of the Sea Publishes New Sustainability Criteria Based on Expert Scientific Evidence and Stakeholder Input
- 478)
- 479)Friend of the Sea and Friend of the Earth launch petition to save the Titicaca Water Frog
- 480)Webinar on “Friend of the Sea certification and conservation. An Update”
- 481)Friend of the Sea turns Coronavirus into an opportunity and launches innovative Sustainable Augmented Reality Audits.
- 482)Friend of the Sea Partners with Swiss Cetacean Society to Promote Preservation of Marine Mammal Habitats and More
- 483)KB Fish S.A. (Marocco): European sardine
- 484)Innova Softgel LLC (USA): European anchovy, Atlantic cod, European sardine, Peruvian anchovy, yellowfin tuna
- 485)Cucina sarda e tutela dell’ecosistema? A Milano Osteria al Molo 13
- 486)Friend of the Sea Certifica Delfini del Ponente per dolphin e whale watching in Liguria
- 487)Friend of the Earth Petition Contributes to China’s Decision to Ban Trade and Consumption in Wild Animals
- 488)Friend of the Sea Certifies Delfini del Ponente for Sustainable Dolphin and Whale Watching in Liguria, Italy
- 489)Marevivo S.r.l. (Italy): Mediterranean mussel
- 490)Società Agricola Sterpo S.r.l. (Italy): rainbow trout
- 491)Ittica Stella Società Agricola (Italy): rainbow trout
- 492)Società Agricola Fattoria del Pesce S.r.l. (Italy): rainbow trout
- 493)Societa’ Cooperativa Agricola Astro Associazione Troticoltori Trentini (Italy): rainbow trout, Arctic char, brown trout, brook trout, carpione del Garda
- 494)Azienda Agricola Erede Rossi (Italy): rainbow trout
- 495)L’acquachiara S.r.l. (Italy): mussel
- 496)Clodia Maior Società Cooperativa (Italy): mussel
- 497)Calvopesca El Salvador S.A. (Spain): yellowfin tuna, skipjack tuna, bigeye tuna
- 498)Jealsa Rianxeira S.A. (Spain): yellowfin tuna
- 499)Escuris S.L. (Spain): yellowfin tuna
- 500)Orbe SA (Spain): Yellowfin tuna, skipjack tuna, bigeye tuna
Companies (476 - 501 of 991)
- 476)Keypharm N.V.
- 477)Kibu Pte. Ltd.
- 480)Kingfish Zeeland BV
- 481)KinOmega Biopharm Inc.
- 483)Kolega Bros Pty Ltd
- 484)Kollo Health Ltd
- 485)Koptur Balikcilik Gida San. Nak. ve Tic. Ltd. Sti.
- 486)Kornat Ittica doo
- 487)Köster Marine Proteins GmbH
- 489)L’Isola d’oro s.r.l.
- 490)La Maison de Wakefield
- 493)Laayoune Proteine Sarl
- 494)Lab Nat
- 495)Labiotre Srl
- 496)Laboratoire CCD
- 497)Laboratoire Duchange
- 498)Laboratoire Greenvet
- 499)Laboratoires Innéov
- 500)Laboratoires JUVA PRODUCTIONS
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