Friend of the Sea: Basara aderisce ai Sustainable Restaurants.


Basara, catena di ristorazione giapponese, ha scelto di aderire al progetto Sustainable Restaurants di Friend of the Sea. Standard di certificazione internazionale per la pesca e l’acquacoltura sostenibili, che seleziona, premia e promuove le realtà che della salvaguardia degli habitat marittimi fanno un punto fondamentale della propria offerta culinaria. Questo si concretizza servendo una o […]

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basara dimensioni corrette

The importance of DNA testing for seafood sourcing- 11th of November 2019


Dear Madam/Sir, Friend of the Sea would like to invite you to the upcoming webinar on “The importance of DNA testing for seafood sourcing“.   You can find the file to download the power point presentations at the following link: This webinar can be of interest to seafood fisheries, seafood processing companies, retail, restaurants, […]

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fos dna webinar

Sustainable public aquaria and ornamental fish. The AquaRio case study.


Friend of the Sea would like to invite you to the upcoming webinar on Sustainable public aquaria and ornamental fish. The AquaRio case study. This webinar can be of interest to aquarium owners, hotel chains, aquaculture and seafood processing companies, retail and NGOs, journalists and bloggers. During this half an hour session, Lucas Sorrentino (Project […]

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Events and Webinars

Invito alla Fabbrica del Vapore, Milano 18 maggio 2019


Sabato 18 maggio 2019, Paolo Bray, fondatore e direttore di Friend of the Sea e Friend of the Earth, parteciperà all’evento food del Corriere della Sera “Cibo a regola d’arte”, che si svolgerà a Milano alla Fabbrica del Vapore dal 16 al 19 maggio. Un vero e proprio festival in cui il cibo sarà lo […]

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Events and Webinars

Fem2-Ambiente: nel Dna il codice del successo


FEM2-AMBIENTE. Nel DNA il codice del successo 26 febbraio 2019 Ore 18/20 FUORIMANO OTBP via Roberto Cozzi 3, Milano L’analisi del DNA oggi è diventato uno strumento indispensabile per rispondere alle diverse esigenze aziendali, dalla diagnostica molecolare al controllo qualità e valorizzazione dei prodotti e delle filiere. FEM2-Ambiente, una delle più longeve spin-off dell’Università degli […]

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The role of restaurants in promoting sustainable food- 21st of February 2019


Dear Madam/Sir, Friend of the Sea invites you to the upcoming webinar to learn about The role of restaurants in promoting sustainable food.  You can find the files to download the power point presentations at the following link: This webinar can be of interest to restaurant owners, hotel chains, aquaculture companies, ship owners […]

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fos restaurants webinar

Dolphin-Safe Project: the victory at WTO and other update


Dear Madam/Sir, Friend of the Sea invites you to the upcoming webinar to learn about the Dolphin-Safe Project’s victory at WTO and other updates. You can find the file to download the power point presentations at the following link: This webinar can be of interest to tuna and other seafood processing companies, retail and […]

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fos dolphin safe label webinar

Webinar: Fish Welfare and Aquaculture 8th of January 2019


Dear Madam / Sir, Friend of the Sea invites you to the upcoming webinar to learn why Fish Welfare is becoming increasingly relevant to Aquaculture and Seafood producers. You can find the files to download the power point presentations at the following link: This webinar can be of interest to aquaculture and seafood […]

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