Frabelle issued in TIME magazine to say it is a Friend of the Sea
21/12/2012Frabelle strong committment to sustainable fishing practices highlighted in TIME magazine (next issue). The asiatic company joined Friend of the Sea communication initiative aimed to give voice to major certified players in the international seafood market and to make TIME ‘s readers aware of the importance of sustainable fishing. Frabelle is recognized as one […]
Read moreInternational- Produits de la Mer
20/12/2012Certifications- Friend of the Sea renforce ses positions
Read moreMilano Finanza
18/12/2012Il Caviale una prerogativa dei russi? - Il top è in Italia e si chiama Calvisius
Read moreSpanish tuna “Arroyabe” now Friend of the Sea labeled
17/12/2012Arroyabe brand tuna canned by Spanish Conservas La Gaviota has recently undergone chain of custody audit for yellowfin (Thunnus albacares) and Skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis) tuna from approved Friend of the Sea suppliers.
Read moreFriend of the Sea stands in support of artisanal fisheries
13/12/2012Friend of the Sea is promoting a campaign in favor of small scale, artisanal fisheries who would like to be certified as sustainable but have the feeling they cannot afford all assessment and audit costs. Small fisheries carry important cultural, social and economical values for local communities. They also often contribute to the conservation of […]
Read moreFoS certifies Dyhrberg shrimps from mangroves conservation program
12/12/2012Krista Top Seafood Black Tiger Shrimps (Penaeus monodon) from Swiss Dyhrberg are eligible certified and now carrying the Friend of the Sea sustainability label.
Read moreFirst FREE SCHOOL tuna lot certified by FoS Dolphin-Safe
30/11/2012Friend of the Sea and Earth Island Institute's Dolphin-Safe program announce certification of the first tuna lot caught by deploying nets on free schools of tuna, not associated with Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs) or dolphins
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