Ceylon Fresh Seafood (Pvt) Ltd yellowfin tuna and swordfish confirmed FoS certified
13/06/2014Ceylon Fresh Seafood (Pvt) Ltd has successfully undergone Friend of the Sea renewal audit for yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) and obtained Friend of the Sea second certification for swordfish (Xiphias gladius).
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11/06/2014Epax Omega-3 concentrates have been confirmed to be compliant with Friend of the Sea standards following renewal audit and can now keep on carrying Friend of the Sea seal of approval.
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30/05/2014Antarctic Sea Fisheries krill meal from Antarctic krill (Euphasia superba), is now carrying Friend of the Sea seal of approval.
Read moreCeylon Fresh Seafood confirms its status of FoS certified company
27/05/2014Audit date: 22/04/2014 Fishing Area: FAO 57 (Eastern Indian Ocean) Fishing Method: pole & line Target species: swordfish, yellowfin tuna (Xiphias gladius, Thunnus albacares) Number of Fishing vessels: 188
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