The certification requirements span from pollution prevention to fuel efficiency, from waste management to social accountability. In particular, most updated pollution prevention systems must have been implemented to reduce the emissions of NOx, SOx, PM and CO2, as well as chemicals. Water and waste management measures must be in place. Moreover, in order to combat illegal fishing (IUU), it is forbidden for audited vessels to use a Flag of Convenience, to carry any endangered species, Dolphin-Unsafe tuna or more in general seafood fished or transhipped illegally.
Compliance with social accountability is an important part of the Friend of the Sea sustainable shipping certification, focusing on minor labour, regular contracts and compliance with minimum wage rules, health care, maximum number of working hours, rest and vacations plan.
Varuna Marine Services offers a broad portfolio of services – both traditional and cutting-edge – enabling maritime businesses to position themselves at the forefront of change. Key to the partnership with Friend of the Sea are Varuna Marine Service’s worldwide network of qualified surveyors and its global client base.
So far, two major European shipping companies, GreenSea and Seatrade, audited by the third party auditor BMT Survey, have embraced Friend of the Sea standard voluntarily. Moreover, in an effort to further reduce its environmental impact, French tuna ship-owner Compagnie Française du Thon Océanique (CFTO) is now moving its Friend of the Sea certified tuna only by means of certified sustainable shipping operators.