Sustainable Cleaner
According to several studies, among the various types of pollution there is also the chemical one, which is related to the cleaning products we use every day in our homes. These substances, besides polluting water and damaging the earth’s atmosphere, also damage the air we breathe.
Detergents and cleaners are widely used in both industrial and domestic settings, and they are some of the major pollutants to the marine environment.
These substances reach the sea and rivers primarily through sewage discharges and spills into surface waters.
Damage comes both from production – some of these substances are manufactured from petroleum synthesis – and from the dumping of unrecyclable or barely recyclable packaging into the sea.
This creates a significant impact on the environment, and consequently on the health of our seas. For this reason, Friend of the Sea developed the Sustainable Cleaning Standard. Cleaning and sanitation products and services are essential to society, and our commitment is to provide guidelines so that companies work responsibly by promoting sustainable production, packaging, and consumption. By working together to improve water quality through chemical safety and reducing environmental impact.

The Standard
Friend of the Sea criteria for sustainable cleaning require:
- Management System
- Production
- Chemical Composition
- Environmental Impact
- Packaging
- Energy Management
- Social Accountability

Find a sustainable operator

Nagua Bio was born in 2018, presented at the Boot Düsseldorf trade fair, to meet the need for ecology at sea, raise awareness among as many people as possible, and create a broader product line that is as sustainable and environmentally friendly as possible.
Its extensive product range includes formulas for all uses and all surfaces that have been developed using over 95% ingredients and derivatives of natural origin, to provide the least possible impact on the marine ecosystem according to the Critical Dilution Volume method.
Below are the 4 major classes of chemical ingredients that along with many others have been eliminated from NAGUA detergent formulations:
- SLS and SLES
Liciane Kenik– General Manager: “We realized that life on a boat requires more attention to ecology. We are in direct contact with the sea, and everything we use on our boats often ends up directly in the sea, which is why we want to propose an environmentally friendly line. We are yachtsmen ourselves, and we have experienced this aspect and this need first-hand.”
Would you like to receive a quotation for Friend of the Sea audit and royalties to use our logo?
Please fill out the online Preliminary Information Form (PIF):
- All the information will be kept strictly confidential and implies NO commitment on your company’s part.
- The Friend of the Sea certification is voluntary and NOT mandatory to gain access to markets.
- The application process is NOT discriminatory on size, scale, management and minimum number of operators.
- Friend of the Sea is a NGO and it strives to make participation in the audits affordable for all companies.
- Please, contact us for more information on Government funding which might be available in your Country for sustainability certifications:
- Find here our pricelist